Top 5 Movies of the Year:
I was rather selective with the movies I watched in 2007, depending on Rotten Tomatoes' critical consensus for good measure. It turned out pretty well because I had some genuine difficulty picking just 5 from an eclectic mix of 20 odd, mostly excellent films I caught in the past year. In no particular order, though I've attempted to pick movies from different genres. A pity no Chinese movie impressed enough to make the list, though I thought Lust.Caution was a worthy contender - poignant, beautifully melancholic, well acted, and great production values all around, but slightly lacking in the 'wow' factor - minus the sex.

Top 10 Albums of the Year:
Six of '06's Top 10 released new albums in 2007, but sad to say, none of them made the list. I was positively underwhelmed by F.I.R. and 林宇中's new releases, while 张惠妹 and 櫻桃幫 suffered from lack of exposure on my part. 曹格 and 林俊杰 failed to surpass their past efforts, allowing newcomers to take their place in this year's list.
2007 saw me getting into indie music in a big way, thanks in large part to sodagreen. 'nuff said about them. Cheer Chen was a logical progression, being an acclaimed earlier protege of sodagreen's mentor-producer. Having also featured in 2005's edition, I've always had something for her girlish voice and intimate compositions. The Decemberists' indie rock formula is refreshing, unlike anything on the pop charts - much like sodagreen when I first heard them, while NIN strikes a chord with their inspired alt rock sound.
And then there are the usual suspects - Stefanie and Tanya, both on their first new release after switching labels, and finding renewed success. Peggy's long-awaited album didn't disappoint - juxtaposing a fairy tale theme with greyish undertones, it was sombre (real dark) but brilliant. Fish and Ayaka represent the successful commercial releases, delighting with their mainstream, k-friendly tunes.
As usual, I only rank albums I purchased (but not necessary released) in 2007, which is a lot, actually. I don't even want to know how much I spent on all these CDs lest I die of haemorrhage of the heart.
And once again, in no particular order. 11 albums listed in view of sodagreen's dominance - their first two albums should have been in past years' Top 10!