January 6, 2008


So many traits are determined by our genes, but it appears some are "more equal" than others.

It's ok to laugh at people for being short/fat/ugly/having crooked teeth. (appearance)
It's ok to jeer people if they can't sing/dance/play sports/play instruments. (talent)
It's ok to ridicule people who can't hold their liquor/have acrophobia or other phobias. (physiological/psychological capacity)

People think nothing about calling others 'shortie', 'fattie' and 'fugly', or to ya ya if they are better at a certain sport/activity. And I've been mocked whenever my entire face turns red after just a sip of alcohol, as if I am such a loser because my genes dictate that I have less of the enzymes which break down the alcohol.

Which was what really started me thinking about this topic, and prompted this post. Ok, the 'shortie' part as well. It just irks me that people can't grasp the fact that it's my DNA that's responsible, and I can't do anything about it short of undergoing genetic engineering, which, unfortunately, isn't that advanced yet. And it's definitely not someone's fault for being ugly, or having a phobia.

So if you think that you are a superior being just because you are tall and handsome/pretty, or can down 10 shots without it showing on your face, then more power to you and your ego, bro. I say, have more kids and pass on your great genes.

But will I look up to you just because that segment of your genes is better than mine? Jealous, maybe. Respect? You need more than your genes to earn that. 与生俱来的东西有什么好了不起的。You are basically not much different from someone born with a silver spoon in the mouth.

I have less problems with people laughing at me for sucking at arts/sports because in those areas, competence could come with sufficient determination and practice. Talent and many physical attributes are in-born, but to some extent, you can still make up for it with 后天努力. But if you're 185cm and another guy who's 160cm is just as good as you in basketball, I think I'll respect the 'shortie' a lot more.

However, intelligence is definitely a taboo topic when it comes to mockery. Be prepared to be condemned to hell if you are going to scoff at others for being intellectually-challenged (PC term for s**p*d, not to be confused with mentally-disabled). Even exulting over your own academic achievements is a big no-no, or you risk appearing arrogant, elitist, and insensitive to the less academically-inclined. And yet, it's perfectly alright to celebrate after a victory in sport, right in front of the very losers whom you just beat, mocking them when it hurts most.

But why the double standards? Is it because our society accords intelligence so much importance that it becomes an unforgivable insult to suggest the other party lacks the very trait that will determine his usefulness in society and/or level of success? Or is it because... I really dunno.

I think I think too much. LOL.

P.S. Moral of the story: Don't tell me I suck because I can't drink, because I can just as well tell you you suck because you can't/are _____ (genetically-determined trait). -_-"