Yeah, I finally bought an iPod Nano yesterday, 4GB white. It's uber cute, and thin! I paid for it with my own pocket money ok, unlike some very fortunate pple whose parents/siblings are willing to buy such expensive gadgets for them. My parents deem them as "for-your-own-entertainment-so-pay-for-it-yourself" items. Anw if you're wondering, my old iPod (which I also paid for myself) has gone down the way of the dodo. Sigh.
I'm actually quite "frugal", to think abt it. I have used the same school bag for 6 years. Worn the same pair of shoes to school for the past 4-5 years. Used the same computer (Pentium III = SLOW.....) for the past 4 years. And I seldom buy stuff with my parents' money. Not because I have lotsa pocket money, but I prefer to pay for my own stuff so that I don't feel so guilty splurging their money on top of my monthly allowance.
I'm sure I have >50 CDs (a rough count yielded about 70), all paid for using my own pocket money. That's >$1000 based on an average of $20/CD. Sounds like an aweful lot but I'm sure those of you who go shopping/watch movies often will realise $1000 is not a lot. Esp. for a person who has walked this earth for 18 years. LOL.
Anw just bought "Aerial", the latest 2-CD masterpiece by Kate Bush. The ST Life! review gave it 5 stars ok. There's this really interesting song called "π", in which Bush sings about the digits in π (those more well-informed will know that π is not equal to 3.14..). It's 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510........ (she goes on for another 80 digits or so). And she makes it sound so enjoyable and soothing. Wu Ti Tou Di. LOL. There are of course other more serious songs, and excellent ones at that. Totally worth every cent I paid for it.
In conclusion, I am very broke. Again.
December 1, 2005
iPod Nano!!
Penned by
12/01/2005 05:00:00 PM