One word: busy! Work has been piling up, and I've been clocking 12-hour days, without any OT pay. =( The novelty is starting to wear off, I guess, and I've come to conclude that it isn't a job that yields instantaneous, immediate satisfaction - especially when your clients are not entirely appreciative. My current batch is already better than the previous, just that a lot of them are too preoccupied with other stuff, and I can't say I can't empathise. Perhaps I should just be like Melvin and leave them to their own devices. *evil grin*
I like yakking with the colleagues, and discussing stuff that we're gonna do in uni. At least I now have people to lunch with, and I've sorta graduated from micro-supervision, but I've also been given (somewhat) more work. Give and take, I see it as "job progression" and that's probably something to be happy about.
The job isn't exactly difficult but the returns are more long-term and you'd need a lot of patience and passion to sustain a career, say for 30 years. Probably not my dream kind of job, but then again, the same can be said for a lot of occupations.
Finally met up with the gang yesterday for a belated birthday celebration for Zebra and it was fun! But tiring as usual, because I'm perpetually sleep-deprived (thanks to chronic insomnia) and alcohol intolerant.We watched "Definitely, Maybe" which was cool and great for valentines but I'm not too into the romance genre so it didn't do much for me. But at least it's more sophisticated than your typical rom-com fluff, so I was sufficiently engaged to not have succumbed to ZzzZz. The cast of relative unknowns (except for Rachel Weisz and Abigail Breslin) made up for the lack of star power with honest performances, and the script, though meandering and lacking in a climax, is not without its charms. At the very least, it eschews cliched dialogue that plagues many similar Hollywood offerings for sincere and heartfelt lines and manages to deliver a wholesome, feel-good experience.
After that was dinner at Holland V followed by chilling at Wala-wala. I like the mood and the vibe! Music's great as well but it was loud when the band started to play, such that a lot of the vocals was drowned out as all the instruments vied for attention - a common gripe when bands play 'live' gigs. A little more balance would have been great. And some of the song choices were pretty obscure but it's all good. They are really talented, esp. the drummer and guitarist!
I was drifting off midway after just one small glass of vodka but managed to stay awake till the end. The un-sober me is still quite good at "big fish-small fish"! *beams proudly* There wasn't any more public transport by the time we left so we walked all over trying to look for Night Rider buses but to no avail.
Did I mention Zebra was lugging along a 10+kg dumbbell - his birthday present - the entire way (with some help from the rest)? LOL. Way to go, I'm sure he'll develop a drool-worthy body pretty soon. Then he can make full use of the NUM Mr. Hamsup singlet we got him. Muaha.
Anyway we eventually decided to share a cab back to AMK/Hougang and I slept over at Zebra's place. Thanks, bro. =)
April 13, 2008
This week
Penned by
4/13/2008 04:49:00 PM