November 27, 2007

Day 1: Singapore --> Kaohsiung

Early morning flight

Welcome to Taiwan~!

We had our first meal in Taiwan at this quaint Chinese restaurant. The interior is tastefully designed, and the food was fab!

We then visited this temple-ish area where temples, statues and pagodas line the river.

For the political crowd. The Taiwanese are a much more politically aware people compared to Singaporeans. Our tour guide is anti 扁, and it's hilarious how she pokes fun at the beleaguered Taiwanese president.

You know rent is cheap when...
We had our first taste of the ubiquitous Taiwan night markets but miraculously, I've only got one (blurry) pic. Actually this was at 淡水.

And guess what we saw at the foyer of an elementary school? A wedding reception! And yes, the temperature in Taiwan was hovering at a comfortable 16 - 26 degree celsius.