October 28, 2007


I'm gonna be officially unemployed from 6 November, and it's a great feeling to be free again after being "bonded" for so long. Of course I don't intend for it to remain that way, because I love money way too much. Besides, I cannot see myself rotting at home and idling away time every day when gainful employment awaits.

And it looks like some people have already found pretty well-paid jobs. But I'm gonna take a break, enjoy my Taiwan trip, get my driving licence and then... maybe I'll finally get a job. I know I'm procrastinating, but I haven't really had a good rest so far, unlike some people who have been clearing off and leave since god knows when. For the record, I just did guard duty yesterday, and I doubt many ORD personnel still burn weekends <10 days to ORD.

Anw it'd all be over very soon, and hopefully my next job, if I can bring my lazy ass to find one soon, would be much more fruitful. Recommendations and referrals welcome!