October 21, 2007

Drink Drank Drunk

I wasn't looking forward to ORD function at all, but it probably helped that I went with such low expectations. The 8-course Chinese dinner was surprisingly decent, though the portions were meagre (esp. by cookhouse standards =P) for ten hungry NSFs. The programme was rather mundane and bordering on sleazy at some points, but it's all in good fun.

It should have been about the people anw, an opportunity to gather in an "extra-military" setting to celebrate the joyous return to civilian-hood. BUT they (or he) had the decency to put three of us with our dearest Jaguar mates. It's like sitting at prom with another class in another faculty, 10 tables from your own class. How thoughtful.

What's interesting is that there seemed to be diverse interpretations of the "smart casual" dress code. Whereas blazer/cardigan and pants were the standard for prom, you can find, on this occasion, people in blazer and tie sitting alongside those in t-shirt and jeans. I figured some didn't make the effort since there weren't girls to impress, and I basically threw together some of the stuff in my wardrobe and rushed down to the venue (thinking that I was late... when the dinner started at 7.30pm), hoping I wouldn't look out of place. I didn't even grab my camera, which is a pity, even though I'm no cam whore. *ducks*

Surprisingly, there was free flow of red wine, and despite knowing I can't hold my liqour, I wasn't about to be seen as a teetotaler. True enough, my face went red after a few sips, and my head began to feel heavy after I downed the glass. I was drinking a lot of tea and 7-up as well to dilute the alcohol, determined not to become drunk like the gentleman by my side, who might have overestimated his liver's abilities and ended up becoming a laughing stock.

It's in the genes, really - the guys in my family are all such terrible drinkers. I think I need to "condition" my liver by drinking more or I'll become socially inept when I go overseas, where drinking is very much part of the culture. I should take aj up on his offer to visit pubs/clubs more often. And somehow get laid while in a drunken stupor, like they always do on TV and film. =)

The ORD countdown reads 14+ days. Pretty promising, except next week is a 6-day week for me. And the usual people to thank for that.