September 27, 2007

Expensive Ankle

Injured my left ankle during SOC on Tuesday, just when I had a really good chance of clearing it once and for all. "It's God's will" is all that I can say. This is my first real injury (and hopefully the last!) in NS, and it was never my intention to escape training by getting a status, even when those around me were "falling like flies".

Now that the worst is over, it'd be dumb to relent when I've endured all the way. As I told Louis, I don't wish to give "those people" the satisfaction of seeing me take the easy way out. I know it doesn't make any sense to other people, but 这是我的坚持与倔强. Maybe it's stupidity, maybe it's pride, but I have never been one to give up easily - even though I whine a lot - so this will be no exception.

The MO gave me 2 weeks of excuse RMJ, which might very well turn out to be a blessing in disguise. But he didn't give me any MC... So he was expecting me to hop and limp around in camp, including up and down the stairs to my third floor bunk, until the end of the week?! Sometimes I just dunno what these MOs are thinking. Will it kill them to give NSFs ATT C to rest at home when they are genuinely sick or injured?

But I was going to clear off anyway, so I took a cab home. Went to the clinic yesterday and the doctor gave me two days' MC after an X-ray showed that it wasn't anything too serious. Then I visited a Chinese sinseh yesterday night to get my swollen-like-a-pork-knuckle ankle sorted out and it was an extremely painful experience, both for my ankle, as well as for my wallet. This is proving to be one expensive ankle.

And now I'm grounded. =(