September 30, 2007


Realised I haven't posted a review (read: unqualified impressions) in ages. Not that I haven't been buying CDs or watching movies, it's just I've been busy and lazy.

"The Bourne Ultimatum" and "Ratatouille" should make my year-end top 10 list, but none of the CDs I bought recently is exactly noteworthy. 张悬's 《亲爱的...我还不知道》 , despite zzyo's enthusiastic recommendation, is too esoteric for my tastes. And Corrinne May's "Beautiful Seed" fails to surpass her previous albums with the bare bones arrangements and religious-themed lyrics.

I was really looking forward to F.I.R.'s new album, 《愛.歌姬》, but it didn't seem very promising when I previewed it. It'd be difficult to replicate the phenomenal success of their first album, but they are increasingly veering towards bubblegum pop, and Faye's amateurish compositions do nothing to inject new blood into their music. Hopefully it'll grow on me with time.

蘇打綠's 《無與倫比的美麗》 scheduled for a year-end release is the only album I'm looking forward to for now. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't disappoint, having heard two of the tracks. Typical sodagreen, with the titular track having a beautiful melody a la 《小情歌》 and another with an energising and lively vibe. I want to see their Taipei 小巨蛋 concert!