October 5, 2007

The Skeptic in All (Most) of Us

There is a skeptic in all (or should I say most) of us.

I was expecting "chaogeng" allegations when I went back with my bandaged ankle and limp this week. And sure enough, I encountered the first skeptics even before I signed the BIBO book. -_-" Not surprising at all, considering the number of status personnel with suspect ailments.

Having seen the "stunts" in my platoon, I am a great skeptic myself, so I understand the mentality, and wasn't too bothered. But I must still thank jon and HA for being ever so trusting and understanding amidst all the cynicism. And OC for his implicit trust by excusing me from the shoot without even my asking. After chionging together for so long, he ought to see (I hope) that if I had wanted to chaogeng, I would have done it long ago like the rest - when it was 100x more xiong - and not waited until a few weeks before ORD.

That this logic seems to have escaped most of the rest, including my PS, is saddening, as it meant that after all I've done to prove myself as one not to take the easy way out, my credibility and integrity remains questionable in their minds. If this one incident has managed to tarnish my (perhaps self-perceived) hard-earned reputation, then I can only say I can never be worthy of their trust. But I've learnt not to take it too hard, as I know true friends will believe, and those that do not are probably not genuine pals to begin with.

And back to the topic of the skeptic in most of us. You probably had these cynical moments:

  • "That pretty young thing must have married that old man for his money!"
  • "He must be making that public donation because he is a media whore and wants the whole world to know about his philanthropic heart of gold!"
  • "She probably got to where she is by sleeping with the boss!"
  • "He probably got to where he is because of his father/mother/connections!"
  • "That woman probably got her driving licence by wearing a short skirt for her driving test!"
  • "He must be doing that to suck up to his superiors!"
  • "He is being so nice because he needs a favour/is guilty of something/has something up his sleeves!"