April 21, 2006

Not-so-random musings

A double entry to make up for the lack of a serious entry last week.

If you were wondering, life at SI is still very much the same, just that the tests are coming in fast and furious, along with the pressure. FWIW, one person has already earned a confinement for failing a particular CCNA test. 2 more tests next week, hopefully no hiccups so I can book out on Friday evening.

Another thing that irks me about SI is the obssession with stand-by-beds. We have had an average of about 2-3 per week so far, conducted either by the course sergeant, course commander, OC, or 2IC. Not only is it time-consuming, it's also worse than stand-by-area because of the standardisation involved. Hmmm 42 SAR is much more lenient in this respect - we've never had a serious stand-by-____ during our 2 weeks there.

And btw, I picked up smoking. Very shocked huh. Yep, I smoke a few cigarettes everyday. Passive smoking. Duh. Quite common in unit lah, but it's really irritating for non-smokers. I suddenly love the government for banning smoking in coffee shops except in designated areas coz when I was having dinner last week, there were people smoking in almost every corner of the coffee shop and it doesn't make a difference no matter where you sit. As if I haven't smoked enough for one week...

Speaking of the government, elections is May 6, which is a Saturday, i.e. no extra day off. =( I believe that my constituency, or rather GRC (Sembawang) would be contested, so my parents and sister will get to vote, while all I can do is to try to influence their votes. LOL. I am predicting 83/84 seats for the PAP. We shall see.

Finally, let me rant about not being able to attend JJ's free mini concert (actually you get the tix if you buy his latest album) on this coming Sunday evening coz I have to book in on Sunday night. Argh!! But there's still the June 24 concert to look forward to, which is incidentally just a few days away from my bdae. Now you people should know what to do. *wink*