March 18, 2006


Ok, so I got into Signals - SIG OPR INFOCOMM 2, whatever that means. The first six weeks (or so I've read) would be spent at the Signal Institute at Stagmont Camp (CCK, quite near my place!) where we would learn (i.e. mugging, lectures) how to use the signal sets and probably some Morse code or infocommunication stuff. Of course there will also be out-field with the signal set, so life's not all a bed of roses. Thereafter, we will be posted to unit.

Then many people keep asking me why I wasn't posted to command school. Hello, command school is not all about brains (not that I have a lot of it, anw). There's also LOTS of brawn involved, and I stress LOTS. I am not exactly fit, kept a low profile plus took 1 whole week of MC during BMT, and told my PC I'm not bent on entering command school.

So it leaves me to congratulate those who made it to command school, and wish them good luck on their confinement (muahaha) and 5/10-month leadership training. For those who are going to become 'man', do not despair. Life is not about the army. It's just a pathetic 1 year 8 months more, so press on! At the end of the day, your rank/vocation isn't what is going to determine how far you go in life. It's what you do outside, when you get back your pink IC.