December 22, 2006

Life Expectancy

I guess the life expectancy of guys in Singapore is lower than that of their female counterparts for a very simple reason (not the only one, of course) - NS.

How NS makes you die faster:

  • All NS guys smoke, passive or otherwise. There is no escape, man.
  • Physical exertion and injuries, self-inflicted (so as to downgrade) or otherwise.
  • Extensive exposure to radio waves (radiation), esp. signallers.
  • Cookhouse food - need I say more?
  • S^3: Stress. Saigang. Sergeant majors.
  • Seeing and sleeping with more guys than you ever will for the rest of your life. (equally disastrous for both heterosexual and homosexual males, I gather) =P
I'm definitely not scare-mongering, or being sensationalistic. These (barring the last two tongue-in-cheek points) are genuine concerns even though the effects are often overlooked since most of them are not immediately visible/detectable over the NS term. It scares me whenever I think about the amount of radiation I've been exposed to...