Caught "Death Note 2: The Last Name" yesterday and I was pretty impressed by how the screenwriter managed to compress the entire manga series - which I faithfully read - into two movies by making intelligent plot alterations and simplifications. This is where The Da Vinci Code failed as a movie, even though the source material (the code-cracking parts, in particular) made for excellent reading.
The battle of wits between L and Light is less evident than in the first movie since they are working mostly on the same team with Light plotting in the background, but the unexpected ending (a total deviation from the manga) is brilliant both in concept and cinematographic execution. The lines and acting for the ending sequence pack punch (compared to the abysmal Eragon), *spoiler* and you might, for one moment, find yourself sympathising with Light and concurring with his world view. Equally moving was the scene where Mr. Yagami saluted L for his sacrifice. *spoiler* This is a movie with soul (and much more so than the manga), which is rare for a comic adaptation. Highly recommended.
December 24, 2006
The Last Name
Penned by
12/24/2006 05:00:00 PM