December 31, 2006

2006 in Retrospect

2006 was a year of highs and lows (yes, I'm using the most cliched starter in all of year-end retrospectives).

It was more lows than highs though, since my NS stint hasn't been exactly cushy. In fact, given my smooth-sailing journey most of the way before enlistment, this can be considered a trough. But it's probably a wake-up call, or a challenge to keep me on my feet, so that I realise life can be such a bitch sometimes and I need to start learning to cope with failures and tough circumstances.

Of course, there were highs as well. The surprising A-level results, the scholarship offers, the sense of indepedence that comes with earning your own keep (though a really meagre sum). It's good to know that I can finally relieve my parents of a burden, because henceforth, I will support myself, and they won't even have to pay a single cent for my university education. That's something not everyone can say at 19. =)

Ok, so this's my watered down recap of the year. Lives up to my blog name right? Anyway, look out for my top 10 of the year lists!