Let's start from last Sunday. Watched "Superman Returns" with the gang at Omni-theatre for the much-touted IMAX "experience" and it turned out to be a mistake. We were seated in front and to one side, and given the magnitude of the dome-shaped screen (you'd know if you've been there before), we were literally enveloped. The resolution was far from satisfactory, and we had to scan our eyes from side to side to get the big picture (pun intended), making for an exhausting and unpleasant affair. Things ended up in a blur in some of the fast action sequences, and I missed quite a fair bit of the dialogue and proceedings. But I remember it wasn't so bad when I watched "The Matrix Revolution" at the IMAX@Great World City which has since closed shop. Anw, I shall never watch another movie at the IMAX again...
I guess I didn't really enjoy the movie because of the "experience", so I thought it was pretty dull overall and the plot was... cheesy. What else to expect from a movie whose main hero wears his underwear inside out, right. LOL. It's the 21st century, for goodness' sake! It's time for a costume change, superheroes. I thought the X-men franchise did well not to use the costumes depicted in the comics. And spidey dons a cool black outfit (due to venom) in Spiderman 3. Catwoman's was a change for the worse, but at least the producers bothered.
On to Thursday morning, when we had a "surprise" world cup semi-final (btwn France and Portugal) screening for the batallion. It was initiated by my warrant, so obviously my platoon had to help out - we moved the chairs, put up the screens, set up the PA, and then dismantled everything. It was quite fun actually, coz we knew of it beforehand, while the rest of the batallion were turned out at 2am, sleepy and all. But the screens were a dead giveaway lah... Quite an experience watching the match as a batallion, with all the cheering, booing, and clapping.
We had our ICCT (Intermediate Close Combat Training) grading that afternoon, and I passed! No more break falls and self-destructive techniques for me, until ACCT at least. I always wonder what's the point of having CCT when the fact is you'd have lost the war if you had to resort to using your limbs and rifle butt to defend yourself. It might prove useful if I were to get into a brawl, though, so you have been warned.
Finally, it was the Batallion Games Day yesterday. Nothing exhilarating, just soccer, basketball, fun run and tug-of-war. It was an inter-coy thing, and obviously, my coy (HQ) lost in everything because we have such a small pool of people to choose from compared to the company lines, just like Singapore vs China, like I told Yong Feng. Our CO announced that he's leaving, and I heard the incoming CO is very demanding. Oh well, let's see how it goes.
Clearing off on Monday to watch the WC finals. One of the parting gifts from our CO, I guess, besides the WC screening, Games Day, and 3 days' off from ARR. The odds are on Italy to win, but I am betting on the French dads (partly because the odds are better. LOL).
July 8, 2006
From Superman to Games Day
Penned by
7/08/2006 10:23:00 AM