Ok, it's "semi-official", and my closer friends and some platoon mates already know. I would probably be in London 2.5 years from now. I haven't signed the contract, but I know I eventually will, coz it's too good an opportunity to miss. Besides, it's what I have always (thought I) wanted, and I know it's gonna be fun, being in an entirely new environment, touring Europe, seeing the world and all. Singapore is just too small...
But at the same time, I know I am leaving behind many things - my family, my friends, my home, my comfort zone (and all the good food!!). It's not going to be easy, but so many before me have gone, survived, and returned, so I am apprehensive, but raring to go. I am not trying to sound like a scared kid going to see the dentist for the first time, but I hope people understand that life isn't going to be as simple and merry as many of you think it is. And more importantly, I hope we can all continue to stay in touch and meet up when I return (at least once a year!).
Well I posted this entry partly because I can empathise with what zejia wrote in his blog. That sense of loss, loneliness, depression, not knowing whether you made the right decision or are doing the right thing. What I can say is that, you are not alone! Although we don't see each other as much as before, we are certainly not drifting apart (at least that's what I hope). Absence makes the heart grow fonder, isn't it? =) Jiayou, and don't worry too much, coz all will 苦尽甘来. Whether you achieve what you set out to do, as long as you've tried your best, you should have no regrets (cliche as it is).
On a lighter note, I would probably become colleages with Boon Shan (-_-), and I dunno whether to be happy or sad. =X I know many others in the class are going overseas as well, so all the best to them, and I'll probably and hopefully see them overseas. As for those staying in Singapore, good for you lor, nowhere is better than home itself, as most NS guys would understand. And you pple better don't mention anything about chicken rice, laksa or char kway teow to me the next time...
Anw, I just bought 曹格's 格格Blue album. One word, NICE!
May 11, 2006
Penned by
5/11/2006 09:40:00 AM