April 9, 2006


Monday marked the commencement of our signal course at SI. It's so much like school! The bulk of each day is spent at lectures, practicals or self-studies in the computer lab. So it's time to say "bye" to SOC, IPPT and chiong sua, and "hi" to notebooks, textbooks, and tests. At least for the next 8 weeks, that is. Sounds relaxed, but it's not that simple coz we're dealing with alien stuff like networking, signal sets, etc. and confinements are always ready to be handed out to those who fail to mug religiously to secure passes in those dreaded tests.

One thing I must gush about is the cookhouse here run by Singapore Food Industries. It serves so much better food than Tekong and Sungei Gedong! This, coupled with the relatively sedentary lifestyle we lead nowadays, is making me fat! But I'm not complaining lah, of course. =)

What's more, our course sergeant is very nice, and our course commander is ultra cute. Haha. Our OC was from 7 Brigade Guards so he's very buff and garang, which in turn means our PT (on those rare occasions) is actually quite xiong. But the work-out is much needed to help me stay in shape, or else I would't survive when I return to 42 SAR.

The only thing I dislike about SI is the lack of a mess, so we can't watch TV and enjoy air-con like we used to at 42. Well, there are always trade-offs in life, I guess.