September 2, 2007

New iPod(s)

It's Comex weekend but those intending to get iPods should definitely wait. Apple is gonna announce the release of new iPod(s) (6th Gen HDD, 3rd Gen Nano, or something new?) on 5 September. Might be time for me to upgrade. Let's see what Apple has up their sleeves first.

Anyway next week is gonna be really hectic, with COC parade rehearsals from Mon to Wed, the actual parade on Wed, and combat shoot on Fri, which means a Sat book-out. Excellent planning, as usual. Probably won't be able to clear off at all, since Thursday will be reserved for combat shoot briefing and preparation. By right I should be excused from the parade lah, since I can't even polish my boots. Bleh.

But after combat shoot there shouldn't be any other major event (except for a rumoured third combat shoot, and major s**t in October), so there's only lots of PT and SOC left to look forward to. Then it's ORD loh!!!