September 16, 2007


Mid-autumn festival celebrations has always been the annual highlight for Hwa Chong-ians, both old and new. Affectionately known as "MAF" (-mahf), it's a time when alumni gather to reminisce about their student days, and current students take a break from mugging to enjoy the festivities.

Over the years, the programme has become somewhat routine, and the centrepiece (see blurry photo above) and pyrotechnics display increasingly mundane, but MAF never fails to draw a crowd. It's a unique Hwa Chong tradition, and one that seniors are glad exists, because it gives them a chance to meet up with people they have lost touch with since leaving school, in a familiar environment.

It was pretty cool, seeing and catching up with secondary classmates, CCA pals, BMT kakis, and of course JC buddies. For the guys, it's always "where are you now?", "when's ORD?", and "what are you gonna do after ORD?". For the gals, "how's uni?", "got boyfriend?", and "any girls to recommend?". LOL.

04S7A. Photo courtesy of KC (off class blog)

Most people haven't changed that much, and it feels good just to see everyone again, having the same crappy conversations or friendly banter at the class bench, or in the central plaza singing the HC songs and swaying to the mass dances.

I probably wouldn't attend MAF for the next four years, and I should be J9 (old!) when I'm back for the next one, but I certainly hope I'd still see the familiar faces and be able to recall their names and catch up with them then.