Went for 苏打绿's autograph session today.
The turnout was pretty small (about 200 people), but that wasn't unexpected. They are a relatively new breakout indie band, and sales for their first album was so poor that they could not get a distributor for their second album. Their popularity only picked up when UFM100.3 started giving airplay to their now well-known hit, <<小情歌>>. YES93.3 soon followed suit, and now they have a decent and growing following in Singapore.
A pity though, their second album still isn't available in Singapore (besides the cheapo PRC version), despite the critical acclaim - it garnered 7 major nominations in the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards, including best composer/lyricist/producers/band - and commercial success in their native Taiwan.

I bought the Taiwanese version of their first two albums there, but passed on the 4 singles/EPs. Not so rich lah. Had intended to get their albums long ago, ever since I heard their second album in its entirety and was so utterly floored. Anyway I got their concert tix as well. Guess I'm a little 苏打绿-crazy at the moment. Too bad nobody else can/wants to go for their concert...

They only performed 3-4 songs today as 青峯 was feeling unwell. They didn't even bring along their instruments, except for an acoustic guitar which they took turns to strum along to. It was extremely disappointing, how can a band perform without instruments...
But they were very down-to-earth, and 青峯 was apologising to everyone as he autographed the albums. He's quite cute when he smiles, but abit gay. Haha. But who cares, when he's so immensely talented - can sing and compose (both melody and lyrics) with such flair. I even overheard quite a few girls telling him that they like him a lot, and he's by far the most popular member in the band.

Haven't really listened to their debut album, but based on their sophomore effort, their music has a certain alluring "rawness" whilst brimming with energy. Maybe that's what you call "raw energy". It sounds abit alternative (mainly due to the unconventional vocals) but the melodies are very catchy, and the lyrics are brilliant. Not Mayday-style witty or ingenious, but intellectual in their own right. I got hooked on the first listen, and have yet to tire after n replays.
So yep, 苏打绿 is on the way to dethroning F.I.R. and Mayday as my favourite band, and for good reason. Their GMA nominations alone speak volumes of their musicianship, as well as technical and production excellence. Go listen for yourselves!