January 20, 2007


"Respect has to be earned, not demanded."

As a follower in a hierarchy-obssessed institution, one quickly learns the meaning of this saying just by looking at one's superiors. Some rightfully deserve the respect their rank/status dictates, others merely demand and do eventually get it, albeit half-hearted and reluctant. At the end of the day, it's easy to become a leader, but immensely difficult to be a good one. Especially when you are more concerned about your own promotion than your subordinates' well-being.

We are all selfish by nature - 人不为己,天诛地灭? - but that should not mean we cannot spare some thought for others, especially when we are in a position of authority, and a simple decision could mean huge repercussions for our hapless followers.

This is something I hope to keep in mind if I ever become a leader in the future.

On another note, I realise that I have become more prone to comparisons (see last post for example) lately. I know it serves no useful purpose except to frustrate (myself and others to whom I am comparing), but I just can't help it, since recognition has been wilfully disproportionate to the amount of effort put it. The only respite is in knowing that this would not last much longer, and hopefully, a more adequate appraisal system is in place at my future employers.